Category Archives: Fashion

Ugliness and Ghosts, anything in common?

This idea just came up to me in a random day, when I was doing a random thing. I think I was watching TV or maybe in the bathroom, doing…. bathroom stuff.
What ugliness and ghosts have in common? Well, the answer is quite simple, they don’t exist. I know it sounds weird, but don’t just judge the book by its cover.
I will now show you my points of view, who confirm what I just wrote.

For this issue, my argument will have something that you can see everyday in the streets. Children. Yeah, children. Those who sometimes unconsciously,  tell the things you don’t want to hear, or answer. Children will help me to solve this problem.

Ugliness, and ugly things or ugly aspects, are constantly present in our days.  If your eyebrows are so big that make only one eyebrow, it’s ugly. If you have big eyes, you are an ugly fish. If you have a little heavier than others, you are ugly. If you have a big nose, you are ugly, so on. Just like ghosts, since you are born, you are brainwashed, hear and see these insults and opinions everywhere. Television, magazines, games, stories….

Children would not believe in ghosts if they never heard about it. Children wouldn’t even think of something like that. Just like “ugly aspects” are only ugly, because all of your life, you have been told it’s ugly. If you were born where big noses or other body characteristics were normal aspects, and nobody told you it was strange or ugly, you wouldn’t even think, that something was ugly or not. Just like ghosts, if a child never had contact with stories of ghosts, she wouldn’t even know what they “are” and wouldn’t think about it. It’s simple.

I do find some things more attractive  than others, but that’s personal taste, it’s not that I find one ugly and the other not, I just prefer one to another. And yes, I’m a bad example, for example I think it’s ugly those “uni eyebrows” but it’s not my fault, it’s societies fault. I’m not trying to escape and blame others because of what I think it’s ugly. But I am sure that if nobody got brainwashed by our society to see an “ugly” thing, that it’s simply something normal, only different from me, I would probably find everything normal.

– Guilherme Pedrosa 

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