Tag Archives: fashion

Ugliness and Ghosts, anything in common?

This idea just came up to me in a random day, when I was doing a random thing. I think I was watching TV or maybe in the bathroom, doing…. bathroom stuff.
What ugliness and ghosts have in common? Well, the answer is quite simple, they don’t exist. I know it sounds weird, but don’t just judge the book by its cover.
I will now show you my points of view, who confirm what I just wrote.

For this issue, my argument will have something that you can see everyday in the streets. Children. Yeah, children. Those who sometimes unconsciously,  tell the things you don’t want to hear, or answer. Children will help me to solve this problem.

Ugliness, and ugly things or ugly aspects, are constantly present in our days.  If your eyebrows are so big that make only one eyebrow, it’s ugly. If you have big eyes, you are an ugly fish. If you have a little heavier than others, you are ugly. If you have a big nose, you are ugly, so on. Just like ghosts, since you are born, you are brainwashed, hear and see these insults and opinions everywhere. Television, magazines, games, stories….

Children would not believe in ghosts if they never heard about it. Children wouldn’t even think of something like that. Just like “ugly aspects” are only ugly, because all of your life, you have been told it’s ugly. If you were born where big noses or other body characteristics were normal aspects, and nobody told you it was strange or ugly, you wouldn’t even think, that something was ugly or not. Just like ghosts, if a child never had contact with stories of ghosts, she wouldn’t even know what they “are” and wouldn’t think about it. It’s simple.

I do find some things more attractive  than others, but that’s personal taste, it’s not that I find one ugly and the other not, I just prefer one to another. And yes, I’m a bad example, for example I think it’s ugly those “uni eyebrows” but it’s not my fault, it’s societies fault. I’m not trying to escape and blame others because of what I think it’s ugly. But I am sure that if nobody got brainwashed by our society to see an “ugly” thing, that it’s simply something normal, only different from me, I would probably find everything normal.

– Guilherme Pedrosa 

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Suit Up

Believe it or not, people still have doubts on the subject that I’m going to analyse in here.
I was once watching the news on the TV, where top politicians were all together smiling and shaking each other hands, wasting time taking photos, instead of trying to find solutions. Back to the issue, I noticed that all of them have fancy suits, super shining shoes, and incredibly expensive cars.
So, I shared with my family that if they wore less expensive clothes, and had affordable cars, maybe that money could help their own countries. For my surprise, someone answered me that, they need to dress up nice, after all, they are representing our country. I was overwhelmed by such stupidity.

I came up with a simple question, would you prefer a president that had solutions but dressed up like a homeless, or a president that doesn’t do shit but is always “well dressed”?
Believe it or not, people actually stopped to think about it, when their answer should obviously be, the president that can actually solve problems. Instead, people told me that of course they would want a president that could solve their problems, but he had to dress up nice, a president can’t wear a t-shirt and some jeans. I couldn’t believe in what I was hearing! People actually cared about the looks of the president.

First of all, most of government representatives, that represent different parts of the population, don’t actually represent us, but themselves. Most of them just spend their time insulting other members of the parliament. Nowadays, government is just like football (soccer). They gain millions, and the only thing they do is just bitch about how they are better than others. Football stars gain millions and millions, for buying mansions and sports cars, and do they do? Run after a ball for 90 minutes.

I think a maximum wage could be a really good solution for this kind of problem. Money will be saved for important things, like the fucking country, not some rich people. Waste of money by the members of the parliament would be stopped, and minimum wage, could actually raise. We would have a more just distribution of money and people would learn how to behave with money on their hands, without spending everything in expensive cars and Armani fucking suits.

“Think rich, look poor” – Andy Warhol
This quote just resumes the whole message I am trying to share. You have to think and innovate and you don’t need to be dressed with a suit to do it.

– Guilherme Pedrosa 

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Fashion is a Lie!

What is fashion? Fashion it’s merely a very well constructed brain wash, that makes you feel ugly, with the urge to buy the “right” clothes. Don’t be a fucking toy!

I don’t understand how people avoid some types of clothes, just because some magazines or people say that what you want to wear, is ugly. How the fuck is that possible? If I like to wear flip flops with white socks, I will wear them! What kind of authority does a man that dresses women have, about what I should wear? He’s simply a human just like the rest of us, there’s nothing special about him. People have different tastes, and see things in a different way, so no one in this planet has the authority or the morals to have an opinion about style. Not even a child, or the fucking president should have a most important opinion about the way you look.

You can have opinions, and give them, or take them too, but you cannot make the mistake of being affected by them. Analyse it, but don’t take it to personal. Everytime someone tells me: “You look ugly with that” I simply respond: “I like it”. And that’s enough for me.

If you like it, then who cares about the others? Style is different than fashion.
Style is some type if cloth that actually tells something about you and the way you are. The clothes you wear, reflect the person you are. Fashion is a way to make money, by telling you what color, dress, or shirt you have to wear.

Just fucking wear what you like, I may not like, because I have my opinions, but if you like it, I honestly don’t care. And neither should you.

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